Mewtwo build-up

25 aug

I managed to finish my Mewtwo cosplay in time for Närcon in Sweden, but I will be honest to say that this
wasn´t my best work and I wish I could have realised this sooner before I left XD

but oh well!
The most important thing was to get to actually cosplay my favourite Pokémon!
And I got to cosplay together with another cosplayer who was the armored version of Mewtwo too!
It was awesome!

Here is the progress images which I managed to scrap together and if there is anything unclear, just ask
and I will try to explain the best I can 🙂

Mewtwo collage Mewtwo progress 001 Mewtwo progress 02 Mewtwo progress 03 Mewtwo progress 04

945941_658106467534497_1667026682_n 1148938_658106447534499_1206276299_n
You can find the other Mewtwo here:

Hope you enjoy 🙂

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Skrevet av den 25. august 2013 i Game and Cosplay


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